Monday, January 24, 2011

Big Idea Warmup

Life/death - Life and death are mysterious. We don't know what we want when we're living, and we don't know where we'll go when we die. The concept is often intimidating to people because of the uncertainty surrounding death. We don't know enough about it because no one's been able to come back from death to tell a story.

Fashion - Fashion defines an individual. It puts personality into a person. Nothing gives a first impression like the way a person's wardrobe does. Depending on the way a person dresses, one can tell if that individual is bright, moody, depressed, confident, lazy, etc. Money is also a big factor, and some people who want to dress a certain way do not have the luxury of being able to afford everything.

Food - Food is a necessity in life, but also a luxury. It provides the most basic forms of energy while also satisfying our cravings. Oftentimes, the highlight of a person's day is a well prepared meal at a nice restaurant. Different types of food come from different cultures, and the variety adds flavor to life. Some of the weirdest foods come from experimentation, and it is this experimentation that yields the best results.

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